Saturday, July 8, 2017

July Orchids

Bentley's Coralroot
My dad and I spent some time hiking in a national forest in Southern West Virginia near the Virginia border looking for Bentley's Coralroot. In the past, I had seen this along with Spotted Coralroot but keep missing the Spotted Coralroot, so this year I went a little later than usual. We could only find two of the Bentley's Coralroot after much searching. I'm not sure if it was bloomed and gone or was just a bad year. No Spotted Coralroot found.                                This site has many different Orchids. I saw bloomed out Pink Lady Slipper and Showy Orchis. There are many Rattlesnake Orchids that are almost in full bloom. But most interesting was an orchid that is ready to bloom but I am not sure what it is. Possibly Club Spur? So, I will need to return in a week or so. This would be a new wildflower and orchid for me in WV. Enjoy the Orchids and other wildflowers below

Bentley's Coralroot
Bentley's Coralroot
Rattlesnake Orchid

Possible Club Spur??
Possible Club Spur??

Southern Yellow Loosestrife


Rosebay Rhododendron

Rosebay Rhododendron

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