Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rainy Spring Day

Two rainy days quit just before dusk so I had the opportunity to amble around the farm. I live on 28 or so acres, about half wooded. I like to walk off the deer paths occasionally to see what may be hiding. A few years ago I found Painted Trillium.I always looked forward to getting to the Smokies or Blue Ridge Parkway to see Trillium in the Spring and all of that time the one I admire the most is in my back yard. If I were given a choice of wildflowers to have on my own property, Painted Trillium would be on the short list. So today I started with Goldenseal, a popular plant in the herbal remedy industry. This has led to an endangered status across most of its range due to over collecting.

#66- Goldenseal

This little beauty occupied just a small area above a creek. Mountain Bellwort.
#67- Mountain Bellwort

#68- Common Wintercress (introduced) 

#69- Mountain Thimbleweed
#70- Common Buttercup (introduced)
#72- Kidneyleaf Buttercup

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