Saturday, May 4, 2013

Great Saturday in May

Started out the day Turkey Hunting with no success and Wildflower hunting later with better success. Around my home I spotted the following.
#57- Shooting Star
#58- Wild Strawberry

#59- Jack-In-The-Pulpit

Then I took a quick drive towards Brush Creek preserve looking for Fringed Polygala, I had seen a few plants along the road here several years ago and I was flabbergasted when I first saw it. The magenta color and odd configuration was totally unexpected and I did not know anything like it existed. There were a few that day, but today there were hundreds. I only had a small digital camera that has unreliable focusing and the color is hard to photograph.

#60- Fringed Polygala

#61 Iris Verna
#62- Wild Columbine
#63- Red Elderberry

#64- Virginia Spring Beauty (grass like leaves rather than lanceolate on the Carolina Spring Beauty)
Really poor picture but it was only Virginia type I had seen

#65- Crinkleroot

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