Wednesday, May 8, 2013


The Dogwood is one of my favorites, especially when you hike into the mountains and find an entire 'holler'  lit up by them in the spring. I know of a couple of those places and am hoping that the fungus, which is currently decimating some populations of native Dogwoods, stays away. There are many reported uses of this tree but it is just a great sight in the forests this time of the year.

#71- Dogwood

#73- Wood Betony

This is an odd wild flower that I found while hiking with the grandbabies and throwing rocks in a creek. It is from the figwort family, (foxglove, turtlehead) and is partially parasitic. It is popular in herbal remedy circles and has a long history of medicinal uses. It is a very odd plant to find and new one for me. 

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