Wednesday, December 30, 2015


I have more hobbies than I can keep up with.
My favorite quote about hobbies is by Steve Martin

"When your hobbies get in the way of your work - that's OK; but when your hobbies get in the way of themselves... well...”"

As this year winds down, I found time to attend to several hobbies at once. 
First, The weather has been unseasonably warm  and while exploring an old farm I found a really nice wildflower,Common Yarrow, in full bloom. I have heard several accounts of wildflowers in bloom but this was my first sighting.

Then on another old farm I kept my eyes open for old bottles
and came up with this one from the 1960's.

Then I broke out the metal detector and found a few items including an 1898 Indian Head Penny.
My oldest ever find.

A couple of headstamps. (The brass part of older shotgun shells that were made of paper)
This one dates between 1920 & 1950 
This one from 1950's to 60's


And an  ax head 


Plus hiked for several miles and enjoyed the days enormously.
Winter is around the corner but there is always opportunities for enjoying a hobby, or two, three, four??

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