Sunday, May 14, 2017

More Ladies

My normal running route was covered with water in places due to heavy rain this past week so I went to Camp Creek Park to run but kept being distracted by Wildflowers. I found a beautiful clump of Yellow Lady Slippers. Also Foam Flowers, False Solomon's Seal, Stone Crop and a new one for my attempt to find and photograph as many of West Virginia's wildflowers.
Hooked Buttercup- Ranunculus recurvatus is found along streams and other wet areas. I cannot remember seeing it before, but something about it attracted my attention as I ran by. I covered 4 1/2 miles that day and probably stopped 6-8 times for photographs. Not very efficient running but certainly was interesting.

# 352- Hooked Buttercup- Ranunculus recurvatus

False Solomon's Seal 
Stone Crop

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Last Gasp of Ephemeral Season

Large Flowered Trillium
This one is pink from the time it first blooms.
Most fade to pink. 

Ephemeral season is almost gone. I got out around the house and nearby to see all of these wildflowers and shrubs in one day. The painted Trillium I believe is one of the loveliest flowers anywhere and has a very brief viewing opportunity.

Painted Trillium 
Pink Ladyslipper

Cinnamon Fern

Fringe tree, Chionanthus virginicus

Pink Azalea