Friday, May 17, 2013

Azalea and Magnolias

Started the day following a tip and spotted the Pinxter Azalea before 7 am. Flame Azalea are common here but it took a couple years to find a population of pink ones close to home. I see these and the Roseshell variety often along Blue Ridge Parkway. Roseshell Azalea should be in West Virginia as well. 

#80- Pinxter Azalea

The Magnolias are in perfect shape now and I can see this one from the kitchen window. It is the Mountain or Fraser Magnolia.

#81-  Mountain or Fraser Magnolia

Then after a brief, but intense thunderstorm, I went on one of my favorite logging roads two miles from home. I usually cruise along and get out and walk as well. This small Cucumber Magnolia had fallen into the road, making it easy to photograph. I think I know where an Umbrella Magnolia is, making it a West Virginia trifecta. 

#82- Cucumber Magnolia
The Mayapple are beginning to bloom, this is a very common plant and one of the first that kids can identify readily. 

#83- Mayapple

I do not normally pay a lot of attention to ferns unless very unusual; like the Walking Fern and Adders Mouth Fern. I spotted this plant tonight; it is fern like, unusual and the only plant like it that I could find anywhere. 

The Trillium are just about done for the year. I found this one hanging on deep in the shade of several plants. Others had seed capsules already. It seems like just a few days ago I found Snow Trillium, then Red and Large Flowering, and lastly, my favorite, the Painted Trillium. 

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