Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Jan 1, 2013

This is what my home has looked like for over a week after back to back snow and ice storms; and then today more freezing rain, sleet and then rain turned it into a miserable mess. 
So I spent the day researching Canby's Mountain-Lover; Pachystima Canbyi. I have pictures from a nearby area that I think is one of the Running Pines or Yews:

But, I got to thinking that maybe it was Canby's. So after a lot of searching and comparing, I feel like it is not Canby's. It is in the same area and I need to get there soon to locate it because it is evergreen and should be easy to spot now. 

Like the research but looking forward to Spring!!

 USDA web site for Canby's

1 comment:

  1. The plant in the last image is actually Huperzia (Lycopodium) lucidula or Shining Clubmoss. It is one I always look forward to seeing in the woods each winter, because it is one of the few bright green plants poking up among the dead leaves...


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