Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October 2015 - North East West Virginia

On a recent trip to the North East of West Virginia I was able to see some interesting places

The first was Cranesville Swamp on the border with Maryland.This area is similar to Cranberry Glades a little further south.

It is Fall now and there was little in bloom, but I did find a
 Nodding Lady Tresses in perfect bloom and it was very fragrant as well 

I also saw Northern Picture Plant

Cotton Grass

And a new Wildflower for me: #341-Flat-Topped Aster  Doellingeria umbellata

A historical site was Boundary Stone #18, one of the stones put in place by court order in 1910 to finally settle a century old boundary dispute

The next day I visited Cathedral State Park, the home of West Virginias last stand of Virgin Timber
The Hemlocks there are pretty awesome

One the road back I stopped to read a historical marker about the B & O Viaduct and was amazed to see the viaduct up the hill. It was built in 1852 and were attacked by Confederate forces during the Civil War.
I was able to scramble up the hill and walk around them some. The stones are handcut and at the base at least 10 feet long. Amazing engineering in the 1800's and still going strong today.

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