Monday, September 2, 2013

September- Flowers, Ferns and Fungi

September is one of my favorite months. I was born in September, I enjoy the beginning of the Fall season and even the first few crisp nights with light frosts. September is also a great wildflower month. I rambled around the farm here one day and then went to Brush Creek Preserve for an early Labor Day morning hike. There were several flowers and other sights.

The first one, Beechdrops, was behind my home. It has no chlorophyll and gains nurishment from the roots of Beech trees.

#274- Beechdrops

Virginia Bugleweed has green stems, wider leaves and smaller flowers than American Water Horehound.

#274- Virginia Bugleweed 

#275- Wrinkled Leaf Goldenrod
#276- False Buckwheat 

#277- Sow Thistle

#278- Small Red Morning Glory (non-native)

 I found this Lobelia on Brush Creek and first thought it was Spiked Lobelia. But, now I believe it is a light variety of Great Blue Lobelia, because the leaves are up in the flowers. Still looking at other possibilities. The next one is darker but has two spikes on same plant.

 Grape Fern




  1. You really have a sharp eye for the unusual... ;-)

    Jim Fowler, Greenville, SC

  2. You really have an eye for the unusual... ;-)

    Jim Fowler, Greenville, SC


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