Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Grandview Again

News Bulletin: A tall, thin man, in a bright yellow shirt, blue slacks and fashionably coordinated tie, has been spotted in the Grandview section of the New River Gorge National River roaming around in the woods. No explanation can be offered for this; the only clue is that it is reported that he often is heard muttering things like, 'I know I saw Putty Root here last year' or 'Was that Pennywort in this holler or the next one over?' If you spot this man please gently remind him that he has a meeting later in the evening and to please not get his shoes or clothes muddy. His wife will appreciate that. 

Grandview has an impressive display each year of this Rhododendron, Catawba or Rosebay RhododendronSome are planted, but back on the trails and hanging on cliffs inaccessible to planting you will find the native plant that is thought by many to be the state flower. Actually the WV state flower is  Rhododendron Maximum or Great Laurel, a white variety that will bloom later in the year.  This was an excellent example that was hanging below one of the more remote overlooks. 
#95- Catawba or Rosebay Rhododendron

Most Showy Orchis is gone, I did find a couple of fresh ones that begged to be photographed 

And the Squaw Root is still going strong 

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