Tuesday, April 14, 2020

New River and Camp Creek Ephremels 800' Elevation Difference

I've been running and exploring on New River and at Camp Creek State Park the last couple of week and have noticed a big difference in peak flowering of ephemerals. New River is roughly 1200' in elevation while Camp Creek is 2050'.

First New River on April 7
Yellow Mandarin


Twisted Bellwort 

Large Flowering Trillium

Large Flowering Trillium

Foam FLower 

Waterfall on Mill Creek

Silver Bell

Dwarf Ginseng  
Wild Ginger

Squirrel Corn 


Dwarf Larkspur


Dwarf Larkspur

Miterwort Camp Creek April 13th

Camp Creek April 13th

Trillium Camp Creek April 13th

Twisted Bellwort Camp Creek April 13th

Falls after 2-3 iches of rain

Trillium Camp Creek April 13th