And so it begins. Ephemeral season has started early this year. With four years of data from this blog, I can see this is the earliest that I have found Hepatica and Bluebells. I was out running today on Glade Creek Road and Trail today and kept a eye on the road and trail sides during a six mile run. This is my favorite ephemeral location and I had only faint hope of seeing anything. First it was the Hepatica, Liverwort. It has many color variations and the first was white then blueish and finally a pink and white one. On up the trail I found Bluebells just beginning to open and a sedge that was in bloom. This week is calling for colder weather, snow and and a variety of winter weather so it was good to see these wildflowers. So, the rush begins; I have several locations that I call my favorite location and several that I want to get to this spring. So, I'll be busy, but loving every minute of it.