Sunday, October 8, 2017

Early Fall 2017

Just a few wildflowers and other stuff from some recent walks around the farm or close by.
One new wildflower for my attempt to photograph and record every wildflower that I can in West Virginia. Mistflower, a member of the Aster family.
Wildflower season is quickly coming to a close.
# 359 - Mistflower Conoclinium coelestinum

                    Collinsonia canadensis    

           Citronella horsebalm, Richweed, Stoneroot

Yellow Jewelweed

Native Brook Trout "Brookie"
Catch and Release

Grandson enjoying the Hanging Rock Raptor Observatory 
Looking for raptors after a long uphill hike


Nodding Ladies Tresses

Pawpaw in Fall colors
Spades take up leaves
No better than spoons,
And bags full of leaves
Are light as balloons.
I make a great noise
Of rustling all day
Like rabbit and deer
Running away.
But the mountains I raise
Elude my embrace,
Flowing over my arms
And into my face.
I may load and unload
Again and again
Till I fill the whole shed,
And what have I then?
Next to nothing for weight,
And since they grew duller
From contact with earth,
Next to nothing for color.
Next to nothing for use.
But a crop is a crop,
And who's to say where
The harvest shall stop?” 
― Robert Frost