Saturday, February 1, 2014

Warmer Weather and Bees

Bees on the Hive Landing Board On A Warm February Day

After two weeks of extreme cold, including sub zero nights, the weather has temporarily moderated. It made it to the low 50's on this February 1st.  
I checked on my bees and found them busy cleaning the hive by removing dead bees and taking short cleansing flights, evidenced by yellow spots in the snow. They even chased me a couple laps around the hive when I tried to help move some dead bees clogging the entrance.        
     Bees are short lived and even though they live longer during the non-working winter, most do not survive winter. They need an early start to raise enough young bees to begin working when the flowers begin to bloom. 

Bees Cleaning Dead Bees From The Hive On A Warm Day

Bee Droppings On Snow  After Cleansing Flights On A Warm Day