In the past three years, March has seen no real wildflower action, but this year there is very early action all around the state. So I headed to Camp Creek on March 28 and found a good start after reports elsewhere. The elevation here generally keeps us a week or two behind other places in WV. We are expecting a cold snap beginning next week so this was a nice kickoff before a lull in the action. I will be traveling to Albuquerque, New Mexico soon and hope to have time to explore there and then when I'm back in WV, wildflowers should be going gangbusters.
Virginia Heartleaf (a ginger)
Trout Lilly
Trout Lilly
False Rue Anemone
Hepatica White Variety
Trillium- should open by April 1
Mash Fork Falls at Camp Creek State Park
Throwing rocks in the creek